15 November 2017

Fish-breeding complex with production of black caviar has opened in the Smolensk region

Fish-breeding complex with production of black caviar has opened in the Smolensk region

The Governor Alexey Ostrovsky has taken part in opening of a fish-breeding complex of Sadki, LLC during his working trip to the Roslavl district. The complex is engaged in cultivation of fish of sturgeon breeds and also production of black caviar.

It should be noted that Administration of the Smolensk region and Sadki, LLC have concluded the cooperation agreement in 2015 that provides support of this investment project. The total amount of investments will be 500 million rubles, 200 million from them have been put up in development of a fish-breeding complex.

"The fishery is full-system, we grow up fish, beginning from an incubation of caviar and finishing with receiving the final product, food caviar", – the CEO of Sadki, LLC Eduard Pachko has told adding that there are 170 tons of fish (sterlet and sturgeon) on balance of the company.

Nowadays the pier with a frame and awning hangar, plastic basins and Weiss's devices for incubation and cultivation of juvenile fish, 10 concrete chutes for change of juvenile fish from plastic basins, cage lines with a total area of 14 thousand sq.m are constructed in the territory. The shop on processing of fish and packing of caviar is started in the test mode.

Alexey Ostrovsky has examined work of fish production during the excursion at the enterprise. The governor has visited the caviar shop, the shop of growing of juveniles of sturgeon species and ageing of caviar fish.

"Planned results of work of the first stage of the company are 300 tons of uneven-aged fish and about 10-12 tons of food caviar. I think that we will reach these indicators next year. The output will increase twice after start of the second turn and the complex will begin to work at full capacity in two years", – Eduard Pachko has explained during the excursion.

Nowadays 35 people work at the enterprise, the number of workplaces will grow to 150. Increase of the outputs up to 500-600 tons of fish of sturgeon breeds within next two years is also in plans of the investor.

By the way, investors and founders of the company consider the possibility to develop and other activities in the sphere of agriculture. "We are interested to invest into economy of the Smolensk region", – Boris Gorkunov, the founder of fish-breeding company, the head of the group of companies Gorkunov has noted.